Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Working in the Lunch Room

I got to work in the lunch room today! At first, I was scared because of all the years of just watching and seeing how difficult it would be. Today, Mrs. Woodward said, "Who hasn't worked in the lunch room yet?" I didn't want to raise my hand because I didn't want to try to do it. But, at the same time I didn't want to lie (actually it was because she would know if I hadn't done it.) So I raised my hand hoping that she wouldn't call on me. She did. She said, "Choose someone to go with you." I chose my friend Megan Anderson. Ranoda called on the inercom and said that they needed 3 lunch room helpers today. I thought she was going to let me choose again but she just picked Kennedy. I was perfectly fine with that because I didn't want to make other kids feel bad that I didn't pick them. We all went down to the kitchen at 11:30. Lynda, the head lunch lady, told us to wash our hands and put our hats on. They weren't net hat thingys. They were just some cheap paper hats. Once we got them on, we put our gloves on and headed to the counter full of pizza, sandwhiches and yogurt, and chicken patties and cheese sticks. I chose the pizza, Kennedy chose the chicken patties and cheese sticks, and Megan chose the sandwhiches and yogurt. I had no idea how fast the pizza went. The lunch lady was yelling at me to go faster. It was also very awkward when I didn't have a big tray of pizza for the kids that were waiting for it. After the 1st and 2nd grade, we switched. I got the sandwhiches and yogurt, Kennedy got the pizza, and Megan got the chicken patties and cheese sticks. It also felt awkward when I ran out of grape jelly sandwhichs and the kids were asking for one. Finally, it was my turn for the chicken patties and cheese sticks. They were going soooooooooooo fast. See, the pizza at our school is WAY different than any other pizza (hopefully you know what I mean). So people usually get a chicken patty. But today there was cheese sticks and Megan said she LOOOOVED them! So I tried them. I guess I am able to say I LOOOOVE them, too!


Lesley said...

Very good post Emily, you are a good writer. I used to love it when I had a turn in the lunchroom. It was fun. When I was in 8th grade I worked in the lunchroom everyday for the entire school year. We got the best food too. I guess this is a long comment to go along with your long post :-)

Bea said...

I enjoyed reading about you lunchroom experience. Did you know I used to be a school cook? I worked in South Bountiful Elementary, this school was demolished (a Motel 6 was built in it's place) and a new school built which is now Woods Cross Elementary.

Lilian said...

I always liked having my turn to work in the lunch room. I also think you are great for wanting to be honest AND that you didn't want to hurt anyone's feelings by not picking them.

Stecky said...

I hear you about working in the lunchroom and I DO know what you are talking about with the pizza. I am so sad there are no more good pizza days. I love your blog. May I link to it?