Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Movie Monday: Featuring A Christmas Story

"You'll shoot your eye out!" That is my most favorite line in the movie. Whenever he tells a grownup that he wants an official red ryder 200 shot range model air rife, they say, "You'll shoot your eye out." But then when he thinks he isn't he actually shoots his eye out when he gets it for Christmas. Well, he shoots, it hits something, then comes back and hits him in the eye with his glasses on. I also liked the part when Flick got his tongue stuck on the pole. I think it's so funny! But then I was thinking about if I got in a situation like that and got my tongue stuck to the pole. I was at granma and granpa's one morning and granpa showed me an aricle on the newspaper and it was about a little boy in Idaho that stuck his tongue to a pole. I think the weirdest par in the movie is when the dad gets a leg lamp. I would be so embarassed if I were a mom and my husband put a leg lamp in the front window. FRONT!


Stecky said...

This is one of my favorite Christmas movies. It shows elements of my childhood and a lot of the things my parents would talk about. Thanks for a great review.

Lesley said...

Uncle Mike loves that movie. I like the part where they go to the Chinese restaurant. My favorite part is when the Dad gives him the gun, the Dad is so happy.

Bea said...

I like this show. Granpa DOES NOT!!!!!!!We do not watch this show. I like the parts you do!!!!!

Lilian said...

It's one of my favorite Christmas movies! Did you know that when Russell was in the 4th grade and Alan was in the 2nd grade Alan told Russell to stick his tongue to a flag pole in the middle of January?? He did it!! And he got stuck and then Alan had to pull him off the flag pole. It was pretty funny to everyone except Russell who had to stay home from school that day with a bleeding tongue.

Mini Embem said...

Well why didn't you poor some warm water on it? It makes it not bleed...I think.